Dr. John E. Prescott was the Thomas O’Brien Chair of Strategy in the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh. John was the Director of the Doctoral Program, Director of the Organization and Entrepreneurship area, and interim Director of the MS in Management Program. In 2017, Dr. Prescott received the University of Pittsburgh’s – Provost Award for Excellence in Mentoring.
Dr. Prescott’s research focuses on early warning processes during industry convergence, dynamic competitive rivalry, competitive intelligence processes, alliance networks, governance structures, technology strategy and the role of time in strategy. John is the author and/or editor of five books, the most recent being Establishing a World-Class Competitive Intelligence Function. He has published over 100 articles and has over 13,700 Google Scholar citations. John is a Consulting Editor for the Journal of Management Studies and serves on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal and Journal of Management.
Dr. Prescott was a founder of The Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP.org), the 1991-1992 President, served ten years on the board of directors and three years as a Trustee of the CI Foundation. He is a fellow, the 1994 meritorious award winner, a finalist for the Fay Brill Service Award and was an International Advisor of the Society of Competitive Intelligence, China. John was the executive editor of the Competitive Intelligence Review for eight years and the co-editor of the Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management for two years. Most recently, he chaired the CI Professionals’ Competency Framework task force which developed SCIP’s competency framework.
Professor Prescott designed the first MBA course in competitive intelligence (CI) and in 1986 was awarded the Valley Forge Honor Certificate for Excellence in Economic Education for his design and implementation of the first web-based CI course.
He was the competitive intelligence content expert at the American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC.org) for six years and the Dean of the Business Analyst Program at Texas Instruments. Dr. Prescott consults internationally.