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Pillars of ESG

May 03rd, 2024

The Pillars of ESG executive education program by the Center For Sustainable Business is a direct response to requests from our member company community. This program provides targeted educational opportunities for business executives, guiding them in navigating the growing importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. The event empowers board members and executives to strategically address stakeholder concerns and lead their organizations effectively.


Table of Contents

  1. Agenda
  2. Recommended Reading
  3. Slidedeck


Download the agenda document here

The Why of ESG

Professor Marcel Minutolo, Professor of Management, Robert Morris University

Matt Mooney, Associate Director of 3R Sustainability

Christy Cook, CSO, 4xi Global Consulting & Solutions, CEO InvestHER Strategies

Professor John Camillus

Facilitated by Professor Marcel Minutolo

The What of ESG

Haanaes K., Michael D., Jurgens J., Rangan S. (2013)

Minutolo, M. C., Kristjanpoller, W. D., & Stakeley, J. (2019)

Winston, A.S. (2014)

The How of ESG

Matthew Wheatley, Co-Founder, Veritrove, & Sam Anderson, CEO, CarbonGraph

Alexa Walls, Sustainability & ESG Manager, PwC

Professor Marcel Minutolo

Diane Kappas, Vice President, Global Sustainability, PPG 

Evan Blumer, Prinicpal, OsoMono, LTD

Facilitated by Chris Gassman, Senior Associate Director, Pitt Business Center for Sustainable Business

 Recommended Reading



Pillars of ESG 2024 - part 1

Pillars of ESG 2024 - part 2