Carrie Leana is the George H. Love Professor of Organizations and Management at the University of Pittsburgh where she holds faculty appointments in the Katz Graduate School of Business, the School of Medicine, the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, and the Learning Research and Development Center. She is also Director of the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Healthcare Management.
Carrie’s research and training are in the area of organization science. She has published two books and more than 100 papers on such topics as economic inequality, authority structures at work, employment relations, and human and social capital development. Her research is field-based and has been conducted in such settings as steel mills, public schools, insurance firms, aerospace contractors, police departments, childcare centers, transportation companies, and nursing homes.
Her book, Coping with Job Loss (with D. Feldman), was short-listed for the National Academy of Management’s Best Book of the Year Award. Her paper, Social Capital and Organizational Performance: Evidence from Urban Public Schools (with F. Pil) received the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s Best Paper Prize in Industry Studies. Another paper, The Price of Financial Precarity (with J. Meuris), received the Responsible Research in Management Award. She also received the Aspen Institute’s Faculty Pioneer Award for Academic Leadership, awarded for generating cutting-edge scholarship with a focus on social impact. In 2022 she was awarded the Academy of Management’s Societal Impact Award for her body of work that is both scientifically credible and useful to society. She has been a resident scholar at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center and at the Russell Sage Foundation. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Management.
Carrie was awarded the Viterbo Chair by the U.S. Fulbright Commission and has held visiting international appointments at the Australian Graduate School of Management; the University of Melbourne (Australia); London School of Economics; La Universita degli Studi della Tuscia (Italy); Universidad Federico Santa Maria (Chile); and Comenius University (Slovakia). Her research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, the Heinz Endowments, the PA Department of Labor and Industry, the Commonwealth Fund, and the Wallace Foundation, among others.
At the University of Pittsburgh, Carrie is founder and Director of the Center for Healthcare Management, a collaboration of the Katz School and the School of Medicine. The goals of the CHM are to facilitate interdisciplinary research addressing health and well-being, and effective healthcare delivery and accessibility; and develop training and executive education programs that apply the research findings of the CHM to policy and practice.
Carrie’s teaching focuses on graduate students and executives. She works extensively with doctoral students in and outside the Katz School. She is founder and Academic Director of the Executive MBA in Healthcare program and the Healthcare Leadership Program. She developed the Katz School’s Management Essentials executive program and is past director of the Executive MBA Program, the Marshall Webster Physician Leadership Program, the Behavioral Health Fellows Program, and the Management Program for Executives. She has taught in various academic and executive programs in North America as well as in Asia, Australia, Europe, and South America.
Carrie is active in community affairs and has received numerous public service awards, including the Iris Marion Young Award for Political Engagement and the Chancellor’s Distinguished Public Service Award. She has served on the boards of directors of non-profits, including Planned Parenthood of Western PA, the Three Rivers Community Foundation, United Cerebral Palsy, the Regional Jobs Corporation, and the Allegheny County Housing Development Authority. She has written essays and features about her research for popular press outlets such as the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Chicago Tribune, The Wall Street Journal, and the Los Angeles Times.
Carrie recently completed a term as Editor-in-Chief of the Academy of Management Annals, is currently Senior Disciplinary Editor for Behavioral Science and Policy, and serves on numerous editorial boards. She is currently writing a book on financial precarity and economic inequality.